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NGA Audit : CPD, staff and governing board knowledge

Governing boards, senior leaders and teachers need to be equipped with the skills to deliver on improving environmental sustainability. This includes providing the capacity and budget to do so.

Picture of Stuart Reece  Stuart Reece 20 June 2024

CPD: staff and governing board knowledge

Governing boards, senior leaders and teachers need to be equipped with the skills to deliver on improving environmental sustainability. This includes providing the capacity and budget to do so. 

NGA’s CPD guidance provides advice on how boards can establish a culture where staff development is valued and prioritised.

As a starting point, you could ask:

  • Have staff received any CPD relevant to environmental sustainability?
  • Have staff been given the capacity to carry out CPD?
  • Have governors/trustees received any CPD relevant to environmental sustainability?

Other considerations include:

  • Budget – allocate budget for CPD and consider e-learning as a cost effective option
  • Precedent – investing in staff and governors sets a precedent for the whole school/trust
  • Sustainability lead – allocating responsibility is crucial in driving work forward


To access a free sustainability audit created by Derventio Education, NGA, and NAEE, register through the following link - Click Here

If you need help with centralising your self-evaluation, simply call 0333 0433 450 or email, where we will be very pleased to support you on your school improvement journey.

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