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NGA Audit : Culture, the way things are done

The way things are done at all levels of a school/trust is reflective of your vision and values. If environmental sustainability sits within this, your everyday practices and larger decisions will demonstrate care and respect for the environment.

Picture of Stuart Reece  Stuart Reece 05 March 2024

Culture: the way things are done

The way things are done at all levels of a school/trust is reflective of your vision and values. If environmental sustainability sits within this, your everyday practices and larger decisions will demonstrate care and respect for the environment.

As a starting point, you could ask your school leader at the relevant governing board meeting:

  • Do we have an eco-council/team to listen to our pupil's views on environmental sustainability?
  • What happens at school level on a day-to-day basis that encourages environmental sustainability? For example, have environmental considerations been applied to food provision, including use of local produce and initiatives such as ‘meat-free Mondays’.
  • How does our school/trust frame environmental sustainability - do we foster a sense of hope?

Other considerations that relate to culture include:

  • Inclusivity – initiatives should be inclusive to all pupils in terms of cost and accessibility. For example, providing access to pre-loved uniform in a stigma-free way.
  • Modelling – it’s important for teachers and leaders to demonstrate these positive cultures.
  • Small steps – making small changes are important in cultural shift.


To access a free sustainability audit created by Derventio Education, NGA, and NAEE, register through the following link - Click Here

If you need help with centralising your self-evaluation, simply call 0333 0433 450 or email, where we will be very pleased to support you on your school improvement journey.

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