About Me

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Alison Halford

Improvement Consultant

Alison commenced her career with a multi-national IT company and moved on to becoming a management consultant with Cap Gemini, Ernst and Young where her transition into supporting the Education sector began when she was asked to project manage the consultation on the Continuing Professional Development Strategy for Teachers for the Department of Education and Skills. 

In 2002 Alison joined HTI, at the time the West Midlands regional centre for the National College for School Leadership, and was involved in the range of NCSL programmes as well as leading the development of bespoke training for schools. She subsequently supported CUREE to roll out it’s seminal research which created the National Framework for Coaching and Mentoring. This involved the development of a range of training across the UK, and internationally, which has underpinned the sector’s understanding and usage of coaching. Coaching continues to be a powerful approach to develop classroom practice as well as explore personal priorities and Alison is currently undertaking Master Coach qualifications.    

Over the last decade Alison has been leading Professional Learning at a Multi-Academy Trust in the West Midlands. At Windsor Academy Trust she led both the strategy and implementation of Continuing Professional Learning (CPL). Core to this was the creation of a career-long journey of training opportunities for teachers and leaders. A significant part of this was the delivery of National Professional Qualifications. As the Programme Director for a DfE registered lead provider she has worked closely with many MATs and schools to create programmes of delivery which are bespoke to their stage of development and the needs of their staff. Alison was responsible for design, delivery, resourcing and quality assurance of NPQs and supported over 600 leaders to achieve their qualifications. She is also a qualified assessor for these programmes.

If you would like to join our team, please call +44 (0) 333 0433 450 or email: info@derventioeducation.com.

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